Tuesday, March 06, 2012

The History of My Blog

Since I have had a lot of new readers recently and not everyone is my Mother, I thought I would share with you all a little bit about me and my blogging history.

I started Minivan Stiletto just over a year ago, but I have been blogging for over 6 years now.

Why I started blogging and why I blog today are two very different reasons and that is part of why I started this blog and chose not to continue on my first blog.

Hubby and I - first picture I posted on my old blog - 4 months pregnant.

I started blogging very soon after I found out I was pregnant with Little Girl.

You see I had a lot of friends that had babies before me, and them like most Mom’s do, loved to share cute pictures of their babies.

So as I was looking down at my flat stomach, envisioning its impending expansion, I thought back a few years and remembered my thoughts as I got my inbox inundated with emails chalked full of photos of yet again another baby making a poop smile.

Knowing I would probably be the same way, and feel like my child was cuter than all other children to ever grace this earth, and of course all my friends and family would want to see every poop smile photo I could manage to capture, I decided I would start a blog and post all the pictures there instead of filling their in boxes too.

Little Gil - Poop Smile
This would allow me to guilt-free post as many pictures as I wanted, and also allow our friends and family to stop by my digital photo album as often as they want.

So I started blogging about my pregnancy and all about Little Girl and our life once she arrived.

I continued blogging when we had Little Boy and even after I went back to work.

But soon I started to think about taking my blog a different direction; I want to make it a bit more public, and more about parenting and not so much about just our family.

Because on my last blog I had posted baby bum photos, my children and friends children’s names were on it, I decided to stop that blog and start fresh.

So Minivan Stiletto was born.

Why the name?  I was looking for something catchy, I drive a minivan and I can wear a wicked pair of heels, of course I don’t every day, but I can be caught once in a while picking my kids up from day home in heels.

Minivan Stiletto is my blog about parenting, my blog about my family and our lives here in Calgary.

Thanks for stopping by, feel free to tell your friends about Minivan Stiletto, and if you are a blogger, make sure to leave your blog address in the comments, I would love to stop by and say hi!

What about you?  Why did you start blogging?

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